There are just not enough hours in the day to do everything that I want to do, basically I want to sit and knit but other things have to be attended to, you know housework, cooking, watching the WWE wrestling, that sort of stuff .
But I will be adding some photos very soon of my latest creations, I knitted 2 of the christmas dolly's that are in the 'loom knitters circle magazine', I have to get new batteries for my camera and then I will add some photos.
To successfully make these dolls, I had to learn how to crotchet (had never attempted before) and how to sew (did woodwork at school, was too much of a tomboy to do sewing back then).
Both of which I seemed to pick up fairly easy, now I can add crotchet as a new addiction.
I am also in the process of hunting for a spinning wheel so that I can spin my own yarn as thick as I want it, without having to pay the earth.
Amongst all this there was a huge autumn (fall) festival held in my town and the 'New Norfolk Spinners' of which I am a proud member had a stall set up, so I had been furiously making hats, scarves, hair ties, small tassel dollys etc for my share of the stall.
I displayed the 2 dolls that I made and promtply got 3 orders for footballers (Australian Rules) I am now furiously working out how to turn the little girls into little boys and dress them in football uniforms and colours, I am having fun, fiddling with the hair and clothes. I will knit the football boots and striped socks as part of the leg and thenadd detail to the boots with embroidery floss.
5 years ago